We’re back at the market on 26th October, collecting electricals that are ‘too good to throw’. Due to popular demand, we’re continuing to collect and aim to rehome anything from laptops and phones to toasters and vaccum cleaners. Just drop them at our stand and we will make sure they get to local charities who will recondition them for sale or use by those in need. What can’t be made usable, will be carefully stripped for its components at a sheltered workshop, providing income and reusing precious resources.
And, at the next stall, we will also be collecting medical equipment such as walking frames, toilet seats and crutches. Where possible, these should be returned to the source, but as many organisations have been stretched since post-pandemic changes, we are collecting items that can’t be reunited. These will then be passed to a not-for-profit called Grace Cares who recondition these items and sell them to the care sector, individuals in need and the NHS – for half the price. Funds are then put back into grants supporting NHS workers, carers and the elderly.
Medical kit does not need to be in perfect condition, but please make sure it is in a state that means it can be safely handled by our volunteers.
Why are we doing these collections?
Partly to raise awareness of what can be saved from landfill, and partly to save you all a trip to the tip. Though we do then deliver them there ourselves, all items are handed directly to the correct section at the tip, making recycling more efficient and saving more items that may end up in the general waste section.
Our monthly trip also saves lots of individual trips from the village, cutting our collective carbon footprint. And we also know many villagers do not have the means to get to the tip, which often leaves them no choice but to dispose of these items in their grey bin. What’s more, our nearest tip has been closed for some months, so we know we have saved many electricals from cluttering your homes or bins with our collections.
It has also been great to spread the word about just how much can be recycled at the South Staffordshire recycling centres, thanks to initiatives from Waste Savvy Staffs. We have barely scratched the surface by focussing on electricals (and now medical equipment), but it has taught us how many of the items people take to the tip do get reused. Everything from paint to old furniture is separated and given a new home where possible. Many local charities benefit from the process too. There are schools who get any reconditioned laptops for students in need, and charities who get a pick of the best furniture to sell on in their stores to raise funds.
How can I help with the collections?
Just keep those bits of kit coming!
All we ask is that you make sure items are clean enough for us to handle and safely contained if broken/damaged. If you can label anything that still works, this is great because it can be sorted more easily by recycling centre staff.
Drop your items off at the stand between 10am and 3pm on market day (the last Saturday of the month). Due to the volume we receive and being volunteer run, we can’t easily collect items outside of this period. We tend to deliver the items to the tip on the following Monday, but this depends on our helpers and their schedules. If you can’t make the market, message us in the week before and we will try to help, but we can’t guarantee we will be able to take your items.
If anyone in the village would like to be a collection point between meetings, get in touch.
When is the next collection?
The next collection – and possibly the last one of this year – is on Saturday 26th October. Please bring your items during market hours (10-3). We will keep you posted of our next event, so get sorting incase this is our last one until next year.