Have you been considering solar panel installation on your home? It could be a wise choice. With rising energy prices and the uplift in purchase of electric vehicles, harnessing the power from the sun at home is a great way to reduce energy bills while limiting your reliance on fossil fuels.

Community Solar installer, MyLOW Carbon Ltd, have just completed their first installations in the village and would love to help more villagers take advantage of their reduced-cost solar panels. The idea is simple – MyLOW Carbon Ltd have identified Kinver as a place with high potential solar panel update, and as such are able to offer the best prices they can to people who want to take part.

We know you probably have lots of questions. So, MyLOW Carbon Ltd ran a free online presentation on Tuesday 27th February, to help you find out more. If you missed it, you can watch the recording below.

Alternatively, if you would like a no-obligation quote, contact them directly at info@mylowcarbon.co.uk including your address and telephone number.

*Kinver Climate Action Group is not affiliated with MyLOW Carbon Ltd. We have identified the group as a convenient way for homeowners to cut their electricity costs by getting solar power. We will continue to alert Kinver residents to future schemes which could benefit them.