All are welcome to attend our monthly meeting. It is a time for us to check in on current projects and raise new ideas for the future. Meetings are usually the last Thursday of the month and you can see upcoming dates below. Our next meeting is Thursday 27th June at 7pm, upstairs in the Kinver Constitutional Club on the high street (DY7 6HL).

And if you would like to sit on the committee, or have items for the agenda, please let us know via

Upcoming meeting dates:

The next meetings will be at the Con Club at 7pm, unless otherwise stated.

  • Thursday 24th October

What to expect at a Kinver Climate Action Group meeting?

Kinver Climate Action Group holds a monthly meeting. Meetings are usually in the Con Club in a meeting room upstairs. Email if you have any questions about attending. If there are changes to the location or time, we will contact members, but you may also see posts on our Facebook group.

We have an agenda of matters that have arisen from the meeting before which is shared ahead. Members can reach out to Eunice if they have particular topics to cover. We aim to keep the session to two hours max, and as the group grows, off-shoot meets take place for various working parties to focus on our projects.

We look forward to seeing you there.